Frank Naro Is Ev*l – Kwaku Manu Jumps Into Big Akwes And Frank Naro’s Beef (New Video)

As Kwaku Manu joins them, the conflict between Kumawood actors Frank Naro and Big Akwes takes on a new dimension.

The actor-turned-YouTuber has spoken out against Frank Naro, calling him “evil,” and expressing extreme dislike for him.

He described how Frank never holds back when it comes to criticizing and disparaging him.

Kwaku thinks he won’t even be included among the living when Frank Naro is the only one left to determine his fate.

He advised him to keep in mind where he had come from and to quit harming those who had contributed to his current situation.

This was a rebuttal to Big Akwes’ prior accusations that Frank Naro had attempted to make sacrifices in the past in the name of fame.

Watch the video below.